Ministry of Agriculture and Livestock gears up to supply high-quality produce to Gyalsung Project

In a series of stakeholder consultations, the Ministry of Agriculture and Livestock (MoAL) is making strides to ensure the provision of top-notch fruits, vegetables, meat and dairy to the Gyalsung Project. With consensus reached among various stakeholders, agreements have been forged to streamline the process. Chief of the Department of Agriculture (DoA), MoAL, Namgay Thinley, highlighted the extensive engagement efforts, and stated, "The ministry has initiated stakeholder consultation meetings across Wangdue Phodrang, Samdrup Jongkhar, Samtse, and Mongar. We have actively involved dzongkhag agriculture and livestock sectors along with farmer groups." These consultations focused on determining the required produce types and quantities. During the two-day sessions last year, key suppliers were identified, including dzongkhag agriculture and livestock officers, gups, and gewog representatives. He said, "For instance, in Wangdue Phodrang, Khothokha gewog is one of them. Collaboration with Food Corporation of Bhutan Limited (FCBL) and Bhutan Livestock Development Corporation Limited (BLDCL) for fruits, vegetables, and dairy products was also emphasized." He said, "Priority is given to domestic production to meet demand, with nearby dzongkhags targeted in case of shortages. For Wangdue, it is Punakha and Tsirang; for Samdrup Jongkhar, either Pema Gathsel or Trashigang; and likewise, for Samtse, it is Haa or Chhukha. Imports are considered a last resort." Quality control measures are in place, with the Department of Agricultural Marketing and Co-operatives (DAMC) overseeing assessments. DAMC has provided training to farmers on packaging and sealing goods, while FCBL ensures quality standards are met. Regarding sustainability, he emphasized the importance of fair pricing. He said, "Sustainability usually comes from price. If the farmers get the right amount of money for their produce, they will continue. Ensuring farmers receive adequate compensation is crucial to project success and farmer engagement." He said that the farmers are enthusiastic about the project, recognizing it as a reliable market opportunity. During the consultation sessions, stakeholders were also allocated specific roles and duties, aimed at ensuring seamless operations. DoA has been tasked with providing essential policy guidance and financial support beyond the jurisdiction of dzongkhags. Additionally, they are responsible for offering technical assistance through Agriculture Research and Development Centres (ARDCs) as needed and coordinating efforts to address deficits in production through collaboration with dzongkhags and commercial growers. DAMC is focusing on ensuring smooth connections and marketing avenues for commodities through aggregators and individual commercial farmers. They are also providing crucial post-harvest management training and technical support to farmers, cooperatives, and groups to meet quality standards required by regulatory bodies. FCBL has a multifaceted role in the process. They are responsible for ensuring the specified quality and quantity of fruits and vegetables for dzongkhags, negotiating prices, and managing aggregation centers. Additionally, FCBL oversees quality inspections, facilitates payments to growers, and manages sourcing from neighbouring areas or imports if necessary. Dzongkhag Agriculture Officer/Gewog Extension Officer play a pivotal role in the local implementation of agricultural plans. Their responsibilities include formulating production plans, identifying areas for potential upscaling, facilitating input supply, maintaining farmer databases, and providing technical guidance to ensure consistent supply. Dzongkhag Economic Development and Marketing Officer also play a crucial role in coordinating marketing efforts and supporting logistical aspects such as identifying aggregators and collection points. They also assist in monitoring field-level processes to ensure compliance with quality standards and facilitate smooth market facilitation. Farmers and farmers' groups are the backbone of the agricultural process. Their responsibilities include growing identified crops sustainably, adhering to quality standards, sorting and packaging produce, and ensuring timely delivery to designated collection points. Their cooperation is essential for the success of the entire supply chain.

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